
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

a visit

a friend came to visit this weekend
one i hadn't yet met.

kj is a friend to many, who know her
here in blogland.

if you've met
a blogging friend in person,
then you know how familiar your 'new' friend  
feels from the very start.

from the moment we first hugged hello
we chatted, giggled and 'laughed our heads off'
from morning till night.

here are a few photos from our adventures,
dear kj is incomparably kind and generous, delightfully silly and mischievous
(oh wait, that may have been emily!) charming and all around lovely.
chuck and i both enjoyed her here and felt honored
by her company.











kj and lg were here!





 we had fun times ten!
there were visits to stearns wharf in santa barbara, the zoo, the mission.  summerland beach cafe, cafe luna, the corktree cellars. we went to the seal rookery and  beautiful nursery's and garden's, we ate hotdogs at the hotdog cart and rode the kiddie train at the zoo. we dined on enchilada's and lobster macaroni and cheese (not together!). we spent a blissful hour at summerland's sacred spaces (where the gift of this shawl came from). we went to the beach, the marsh, and up the foothills (for the views). and we talked, laughed and talked some more. it was a good good time. isn't blogging wonderful we kept saying?

xo lori

Friday, March 25, 2011




today is the day thirty one years ago
that i became a mom.
it happened also that the rain stopped and the sun came
out this morning.
for the first time in days.
so i pulled on my good for mud boots
and headed (grinning) down to the marsh.

i saw the resident fox!
i watched him pounce and play in the sunshine
and i saw red winged blackbirds sing their song
i saw egrets and white crowned sparrows
and hummingbirds, that politely sat surprisingly still
and i saw bunny's.
which made me laugh,
because tomorrow a dear friend is coming
all the way from the east coast.
and she is sometimes known as emily, the wise bunny
and othertimes known as the very kind and charming kj.

i stayed out in the marsh
until it was time to go home and change
to meet my daughter
for our birthday brunch encounter.
luckily, there was just enough time to pick her a
bouquet of flowers.

happy birthday kimberly summer,
my beautiful girl.
i love you, mama