
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

plains shawl

i think i have one photo for each month this took me to make!  hee hee, only kidding, though this elizabeth zimmerman pi shawl did take quite a long time. i questioned continuing with it when i reached the increase round and i would be doubling five hundred seventy six stitches. it was a bit of a wrestling match to work my way around one thousand one hundred and fifty two stitches on the needle (for several inches). it was also kind of decide as you go project, not sure about the color choices or repeats. i ended up on a first name basis with leanne at beaverslide dry goods, i needed to reorder three separate times to finish! i ended up using one hank of the grey, one of green, and four of the blue. i would have liked do to make at least two more repeats of the gull pattern (it's the lace portion at the outside end) but i couldn't bring myself to do it. just the thought of the eight stitch knitted on border was enough to look forward to being done. that took days (and days) too. thank you to my love for taking these photos for me, my husband is an outdoor adventure photographer, and i think these kinds of photos are a little out of his comfort zone, but he is a lovely good sport. isn't it a gorgeous morning here? we had rain all through the night and woke to this.

i'm so happy, it's lovely and cozy, the beaverslide is soft and warm and after a soak and block, it has bloomed beautifully. this shawl is more than anything i've ever done, a labor of love. it came with me all last year, and soothed my hands and heart as i knit on it while sitting beside my mothers bed. it was one of the last things she touched before she passed.

when i stitch
i stitch with bliss
and with every stitch
there went
a kiss.

dedicated to my mom, sylvia

plains shawl ~
designer ~ elizabeth zimmerman
beaverslide dry goods wool~ here
colors used, woodsmoke heather, lichen frost and huckleberry heather
ravelry notes here (updated soon)

joining with ginny and the lovely yarn alongers here

p.s. reading only maps, itinerary's, travel guides. twenty five more days. :)
p.p.s. i am so sorry i forgot about a small giveaway i am having, i'll leave it open
till sunday! go here if you'd like to enter.


  1. oh my. labor of love indeed! it is stunning lori and i'm sure so very special. having toted it around for so long i know it must be full of good memories and the last touch of your sweet.

  2. Lori, I can just picture your mom smiling down on you right now, your Sylvia shawl is one of the most beautiful knits you have ever done, and that is saying something with how you knit! I love Chuck's photography of you and I can see why you keep him around ;)!

  3. oh it's so beautiful. a treasure. and such stunning photos to do it justice.

  4. Lori your shawl is so beautiful. I was choked up at the last part you wrote about your mother. What special meaning this shawl has for you.
    Your husband did an amazing job photographing it. I am so glad to see you enjoying being able to wear it.

  5. Those pictures are so lovely. What a cute couple you are! :)
    I know this is a hard time for you, Lori. I'm sending you hugs! xox Pam

  6. Holy Moley!

    You and the shawl...swoon...
    Beautiful Lori, so much work, and so well done. It looks like a big wool hug, super cozy. I bet you will have so much enjoyment wearing this.
    Your hubby is an amazing photog...and this does qualify Lori...your outdoors aaaand he technically is capturing your knitting adventure...n'est ce pas?

  7. It looks so lovely on you, how wonderful that youve finished it!

  8. wow lori! that is a beautiful labor of love. you amaze me. cute picture of you and chuck. you're at one of my favorite spots.... nice memories of meeting you there too.

  9. oh, lori, it is breathtakingly beautiful! what a treasure.

  10. Wow, it's absolutely beautiful. A labor of love, indeed. And you and your husband are such an adorable couple!

  11. Oh yay, you finished! I love it! And the verse at the end of your post is so lovely and sweet -- just like you ;).

  12. How fitting you took the pictures by the railroad track when you are soon set for a journey. The colors go so well with the landscape around you, look at that sea statice and the misty green of the eucalyptus,and the grey of the rock all picked up by your shawl. I love the fastener too. Beautiful work. What a handsome couple!

  13. It turned out so gorgeous! Truly a labor of love! And I loved the little verse at the end, so sweet!
    :) Zoey

  14. Hi dear Lori Ann,

    I love catching up with you. You're wonderful! You're getting closer to going to Africa. We'll miss you, but we'll love catching up via blog postings.

    I am journeying south to be with my high school girlfriends. Spending the night with Gin. Maybe we can see each other?



  15. Your shawl is absolutely beautiful and looks amazing on you.

  16. What a beautiful and special piece! Your patience and perseverance has paid off so spectacularly. All the best.

  17. It's beautiful Lori. Well worth the time and persistance xxx

  18. Wow, amazing Lori, I can't imagine knitting with that many stitches! did you make any mistakes that you had to go back and correct? I think if I was making something like this I would go real slow so as not to make any mistakes that needed taking back! Colours look great together and on you. Lovely pictures, your husband makes a great outdoor 'extreme' knitting photographer. Glad your mother got to enjoy it also.

    1. emma, i don't think there were mistakes, but i used more stitch markers than i've ever used before (or there surely would have been!). when i reached the lace portion, the gull pattern i started adding them. it's a seven stitch repeat, so i put in a marker every third repeat. i quickly ran out so i purchased inexpensive jump rings (for jewelry) to use. it worked well, if i had to go back, it wasn't any more than 21 stitches. but i made sure not to have to do that. i took it off the needles once, by placing all 1152 stitches on waste yarn, to get an idea of the size. it took hours to get the stitches back on! thank you :)

  19. Sweet Lori...Such a beautiful shawl made all the more lovelier with the special sentiments for your mother. I especially love seeing the joie de vivre you exude in these photos...surely you are ageless and timeless ~ what is your secret? And the photo of you and your sweetheart is beautiful. I see so much of my husband (the mountain ski guide) and myself in you and yours. Love that!
    xo Jules

    1. jules! chuck is a guide too, not the mountains (although he is a mountain climber), but for the ocean. for this company:

      kayaking in the sea caves (one of the largest in the world) is a fantastic adventure, if your ever down this way, you must do it!

  20. Oh Lori, I love this shawl! It is so incredibly beautiful, the colours, the size, I love it all.
    The photos are wonderful and how special that you could share some of its making with your mother.
    Love and hugs to you
    xo xo

  21. Hi Lori! Your shawl became the most beautiful! I can imagine that it has lots of feelings and hours of work also, in it! As you know, colours are very important to me - these beautiful photos are my favourites! Those dark mountains with your dark blue cloths and the ligth field with your long hair - so beautiful; what amazing nature you have around you! I have to come to admire your lovely hair, because I cut mine short yesterday! And your adorable shawl brings all those colours together! xxx Teje

  22. I just bought the Knitter's Almanac. I looked at the shawl and thought - now why would you want to knit a tablecloth? Now I know - it does not look like a tablecloth at all, it is gorgeous.
    Timeless beauty and tangible memories, all wrapped up in one. Lovely, as always.

  23. a beautiful shawl with a beautiful story, on a beautiful lady XXX

  24. A lovely shawl...and perfect photos...I especially love the top three and of course the one of you with your love. Wishing you many more beautiful mornings like this one together.

  25. Oh WOW, such a beautiful shawl you have made. One look and you can see how long it must have taken, it is quite large. I adore the pictures your husband has taken, they are so beautiful, and so is the scenery. You manage to capture so many emotions in both your knitting and the photography, it is always a joy to visit your blog.

  26. Oh Lori, it's beautiful - the colours are just lovely, and you've managed to make a shawl that looks not only beautiful, but really wearable too - I'm feeling inspired! Your words about your mother are so moving too, it's obviously going to be a special thing for you for years to come.
    And thank you for the encouraging words on my shawl-making! :)
    Jane x

  27. Lori, it is beautiful: and I feel your pain in the making- I thought I would never finish the Baptismal Shawl I made earlier this year... But in those memories of making it, at least you have the memory of your mother woven into each stitch, and that in itself is truly a blessing. The light in your photographs always takes my breath away xxx

  28. The first thing I admired in this post were these wonderful photos. I thought: He loves her very much. And what a great place to live! Then I was impressed how easily you were wearing this really big shawl and it looks simply beautifully. And then I read and felt sorry to hear about your mother and felt this special moment to finish something your mother had seen you were knitting on. This is a moment to savor. And when you are wearing this shawl there is always your mother with you. I hope this will make your heart a little bit warmer.

    Enim Sou x

  29. You are such a young girl, Lori! Dancing on the tracks, and flying over the plains!
    I am counting your days with you! Much love, as always and always.

  30. Oh my goodness, That is such a beautiful shawl. And such beautiful photos also. A lovely dedication to your mum.

  31. I know your mom is smiling in heaven because of you being a dear daughter and for dedicating your lovely shawl :) I hope every time you wear it you feel your mother's loving arms around you.

  32. So beautiful! A finished object worth all the effort. Well done!

  33. Thanks for including so many wonderful photos of your incredible pi shawl. It is breathtaking and I so appreciate how you shared the intimacy and meaning of the process in knitting this heirloom.

  34. It is stunning! Simply stunning. I love it.

  35. Beautiful! And a very special shawl.

  36. Lori, The last bit about your mom made me cry. Having mom issues and I can't blog about it :-(. Beautiful shawl, beautiful woman and beautiful photos and I love the one with your head covered, made me laugh. xoxo

  37. I love your Pi! i must knit one for my sister's birthday(40!) in August!!!

  38. Wow, it's beautiful. And I love the connection with your mom too, that's very meaningful.

  39. where to begin? the shawl is amazing, your dedication has really paid off! but the sky in those first pictures transported me home to scotland and I found myself wondering if you were there! i love atmospheric weather and you had some that morning for sure - very complimentary to your shawl. gorgeous!!

    1. it was a stunning morning, after raining all through the night, we woke to this weather. and the clouds over the mountains behind us, ah, i love them so much too. thank you.

  40. Dear Lori, you look like an exotic bird with wings outstretched in the first photos : )You've done beautifully! What I love about this shawl is that you can imagine wearing it to a wedding but equally on a camping trip. The kind of handknit that becomes like a dear friend. Enjoy x

  41. Lori, this is just the most amazing shawl!! And so are the photos of you displaying it so beautifully....such delightful pictures filled with movement and joy. Wonderfully made and so touching to hear that you knitted it during your mother's last days, and she is so closely associated with it....making it so much more special because of that.
    Helen x

  42. This shawl, and the story that goes with it, is so very beautiful. There is such comfort to be had in knitting a soft, warm thing. The photos are stunning, too--your looooong blonde hair looks gorgeous against the blues and grays. Lovely. :)

  43. I'm utterly speechless. Really?! one thousand one hundred and fifty two stitches on the needle? You are amazing. You are beautiful, your shawl is insane and your back drop was so spot-on perfect for the shoot. Wow. Nice work. The colors make me take a deep, deep sigh.

  44. Wow and whoa! Over a thousand stitches on one round? You're an inspiration. Your shawl is simply are the photographs.

    Also, I have to say again how beautiful it is where you live.

  45. Oh wow! That is a beautiful shawl! And Mother Nature is the perfect backdrop. Gorgeous images! Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  46. This shawl is amazing, huge (I can understand very well what this amount of stitches mean..), and beautiful. Pictures are beautiful too, congratulations to your private photographer :)
    And the background of it, recording moments with your mom, is touching, and it makes it so precious..

  47. I love projects that take forever, they're like a companion while in progress and sometimes I just don't want to finish them. Kind of like a really, really good book. Very beautiful shawl, and I was touched by the connection to your mother. I must say I have only met one other person that shares my name, how very nice that your mother does too. Take care Lori!

  48. Oh my goodness Lori, that is just the most perfect thing! It must have taken so very many hours of work, but so worth it. A shawl to be cherished!

    I have looked often at the pattern but just don't know if I have the patience!

  49. That shawl is so beautiful and the colours stunning. Photographed with a perfect backdrop. Thank you for your lovely comments recently on my blog. Yes, you would definitely love the Scottish Highlands - especially the Northern Highlands. It may not be as warm here as where you are, but it is certainly stunningly beautiful - just like your shawl!

  50. My dear sweet Lori.. your shawl is stunning. I can imagine sitting wrapped with it's warmth and love by a campfire. Such a touching project and one you can always remember your mom by.

    I'm going to share this with my Mom. I know she is going to love it.

  51. Why are you guys always in the woods? Do you have a home? -Concerned citizen

  52. I so want to be YOU when I am all grown up. I want to knit beautiful things and go to beautiful places all with my guy that I so love. You make it all feel so possible. And when I get there I hope to have such a lovely shawl.

  53. Mercy woman, you are amazing! I love this shawl. You and it are beautiful. Hey I am excited about your trip too! I just can't get over the shawl and the time and patience it took. Holey smokes and congrats!

  54. The shawl looks fantastic, I admire your hard work.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and adding a nice comment.

  55. Amazing! Lovely photos, gorgeous shawl, wonderful colors. Everything is beautiful.

  56. Wow, that is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time. And you are beautiful too. And the photos? Stunning. What would I do without your blog? Thank you for the inspiration and mentorship you provide the rest of us. I want to be like you when I grow up. :)

  57. such great photos! love your blog. Thank you for visiting my site and leaving such a nice message!

    1. it was my pleasure, i'm glad to have met you through gale (she shoots sheep shots)!

    2. "she shoots sheep shots" - what a great sentence! try to say it out loud five times in a row ;-)

  58. Gasp gasp gasp gasp gasp!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy! How amazingly wonderful! Oh, Lori, this is a masterpiece. The colors are beautiful together, and it looks like an embrace. To think that it traveled with you and holds your memories fills my heart with happiness. The photos are gorgeous too. The fields make an excellent backdrop!

    Sending you love. xo

  59. That is gorgeous and the photographs are just beautiful and fun!

  60. I knew that was "the shawl" the moment I saw this post. I know how cathartic it was for you to work on this. I'm sure it holds healing properties as well as bittersweet memories. It came out beautiful Lori. A true labor of love.
    The photos of you in the shawl remind me of a native dance. I think you were reaching your mom's spirit, I truly do.

    You are a beautiful woman, inside and out.


  61. LORI! Your shawl (and you wearing it) is a true master piece. I am so in love. I absolutly admire your patience. And how did you find long enough needles? I am so happy for you to have finished it, with all the memories it holds for you. I know you will wear it with love.

    1. and btw your husbands pictures are fantastic! He could upgrade his business in favour of professional knitting photograpy (pkp ;-)), because, of course, you will have to be the one and only knitting supermodel ;-)

  62. All I can say I'd the shawl is beautiful and you are beautiful and nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy.

    Love love

  63. Everything about this is SO beautiful-from the shawl to the yarn to the setting to the knitter!

  64. Wow what a beautiful mandala shawl! It must have been like meditating creating this. This will be so connected with your Mom.
    Lovely pictures of you and the shawl. Out of his comfort zone but he did a great job. But eh.... he had a beautiful model :)

    Have a nice week dreaming of that big trip to come. So nice to have all this excitement and fun in advance :)

  65. Oh what a beauty that shawl is Lori, a real beauty. It sounds like it's been with you through some difficult times, and I love that when you wrap this shawl round you, you will think of the love of your mother, and the love from her that wrapped round you, it's so poetic and symbolic, a really special piece, I hope that when it eventually gets passed to one of your family, it goes with the stories and memories of your love for your mom. What a special piece Lori. you look radiant in it, and your husband has done a wonderful job of photographing his lioness in the wild! Love vanessa xxx

  66. I love your shawl so much Lori and I love that it connects you to your mom. This past week, I've been missing my stepmom so much. I keep having questions for her and it's been almost two years.
    I will definitely be ordering yarn for this.

  67. The photos alone are exquisite, but then you throw in your incredible shall too! Stunning. I love, love, love how the blue and grays of your shall echo those of the background in the opening photos. So beautiful.

  68. Dear Lori
    Your post has touched my heart - I too have a treasured work that I made and completed with the help of my father. He held the wool, I crocheted. It became something I could do whilst sitting at his bedside and it required no conversation, just a peaceful, joint activity - it was his last and I shall treasure it forever.
    I know how much your shawl means to you. Thank you for sharing.
    Best wishes Claire


xoxo lori