
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

a little yellow

two new things for me, knitting for babies again, and linking up for the first time with a yarn along. please visit ginny at small things for more lovely knitting and reading...

i'm still working on this shawl that now includes over one thousand stitches on the needle (1,152 exactly, oh dear that's a lot).  i really needed a change and something that moved along a little quicker. baby gifts were needed as well, and i had an abundance of some pretty yellow wool, just right for these three tiny sweaters...

 on the left is the' triangle cardigan' from lion brand, in the middle is 'in threes: a baby cardigan' (ravelry link here) and on the right is the reversible baby sweater from 'greetings from knit cafe'. each newborn to six month size took approximately one skein of cascade quatro, a 100% peruvian wool.  i really enjoyed knitting with this yarn, it's soft and squishy, and wooly and warm. i think i was supposed to photograph the progress, yet these were so quick to do, knitting mostly in the evening this last week, i'm sorry i forgot.

i love them hanging up, but i really hoped to see them modeled.  luckily i have a friend with an almost six month old baby. she was gracious enough to come over today.

that was a lot of fun! baby b was an incredibly patient and adorable model. i really wanted to keep her, but sadly her mother said no. in this photo is the last skein of cascade i have. i don't think i can bring myself to knit one more yellow sweater (one more yellow anything) for awhile. so it would be my pleasure to give it away. if you would like to make one of these sweaters (or whatever you would like, there are 220 yards) please leave a comment saying so and i'll send this skein plus about a half skein more. and if you would like to make one of these sweaters, i'll include the pattern with it too.

reading 'on wings of song' a book of poems about birds my daughter gave me. it's on top of the stack here with the cover (and bookmark). it's small enough to fit in a purse or knitting bag. a lovely book with beautiful poems.

please leave your preference of pattern, if you would like one, and contact information. i'll choose a name on sunday at 6 p.m. california time!
i'm really glad your here, old friends and new.

xo lori


  1. Oh Lori dear, these little cardigans are ADORABLE! I wish I had the same "Joy of Knitting", or at least some more talent, to do one for our new baby! The yellow yarn is so pretty, and that baby was such a cute model!
    I wonder if sending me the pattern would do any good, because all your expressions are in English! And I only (if at all) undersatnd the German ones. Sigh. Still, it was fun to see the three little fashion robes on that line! You are a wizard!

  2. these are so beautiful! the sweetest happiness i ever saw!

  3. oh, i forgot, i'd LOVE the pattern for the 'in threes' baby cardigan!
    and that cascade is scrumptious! love the yellow

  4. Oh, very clever! and that little gorgeous is she?

  5. Love the picture of the 3 hanging up, that's just gorgeous (not quite as gorgeous as the model though!) The colour is so bright and cheery, and I love the little blue buttons, they really set off that middle sweater.

  6. Oh my - the sweaters are gorgeous but that baby! I just want to eat her up shes so beautiful. And what a good sport.
    Sure - I'll jump in - I like the third one with the belt. I have a new cousin baby who needs a present.

    I am in florida on "vacation" but there is still alot of stuff to do to settle my MIL's estate so it hasnt been super relaxing. So yesterday I ran to my favorite yarn store here and asked for an emergency knitting project - which of course I got. If you are ever in Sarasota - go to "picassos moon" - it's the greatest store. Not that she has a ton of yarn or supplies (really small store) but the creativity just is everywhere - with antiques and all sorts of creative things
    going on.

    Anyway count me in and if I don't win I'll get the link to that pattern cause it's so cute!

  7. What lovely little sweaters! I'm sure they will be much appreciated! I really love the middle sweater pattern with the buttons -- my brother and sister-in-law are expecting a baby girl, and this would be a lovely little sweater for spring!

  8. Oh Lori they are all so adorable and I want your model too.
    I would love a chance to win the yarn and knit my own sweater. I really love 'greetings from knit cafe. Thanks so much.xx

  9. Absolutely DARLING little sweaters, and so pretty both on the wall and on the adorable model! (and Mom wouldn't let you keep the model....hmmmmmm....LOL!)
    I am a yarn junkie...
    Throw my name in.
    Or throw it somewhere. :-)
    Beautifully shot post!


  10. I have a niece who is preggo...this would be a great little project to do for her. I love the little sweaters you made!

  11. These are beautiful! You have done a fabulous job. I'd love to try the one in the the buttons. We are expecting a new one in October so what a fun project this would be!

  12. Your first photo is one that will stay with me all day! What a delightful sunny group!
    I would love to make the sweet sweater with the bow on the right.
    Truly lovely job on all three!

  13. Oh, what a beautiful baby and those little cute toes!!!
    And what a model for your projects, and yellow is gorgeous, I love them all!!
    Unfortunately I don´t know how to knit so I´ll let another reader to win this wonderful gift! Good luck everyone!

  14. I have to say I love the way you photographed these sweaters. The little line with clothespins. Great! Of course, the sweaters are lovely. Only 1 skein for each? That is what I love about making baby items and small items. They don't take too much or too long. Thanks too, for a sweet little giveaway. I like the pattern on the right - I know a friend who would love this little one.

  15. What adorable sweaters on an even more adorable baby!

  16. Lori, THESE are so saleable!!!Wonderful sweaters, I think they would fly out of a store or your ETSY shop. They and the model are adorable. Lovely little book too. xoxo
    P.S. I don't knit (yet) so keep me out of the giveaway.

  17. I just love coming to your blog and seeing the photos you take they are so light and refreshing. What darling little baby sweaters. I'm not interested in yellow yarn so don't put me in the give away. Have a great day. Lorrie

  18. Seriously cute sweaters! I would love to win the yarn, I know of several little babies who would love a yellow sweater.

  19. I love the yellow sweaters! That is such a beautiful shade of yellow! I have a special baby due in our family in 6 weeks and i would love to knit the little wrap sweater sweater for her. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thank you! Blessings from Kansas! Gail

  20. i love those sweaters. they are adorable. i would love to knit the one with the buttons. the contrast is so perfect.


  21. Wow - gorgeous sweaters! I absolutely love the "In Threes" pattern the most. I just added it to my faves and my queue in ravelry so I don't forget about it. So precious.

  22. Love that yarn! And the sweater on the right is oh-so-adorable!!

  23. Those sweaters are beautiful and your friends baby aaaaaahdorable! I still have a hand knit sweater that was my sons, it's now an heirloom. Those will be cherished.


    I'm loving those sage leaves scarf trim :)

  24. Just wanted to say that I love the photos of the three cardigans hanging up. Like unique bunting. It made me smile! Beautiful coloured yarn.

  25. All three sweaters look so pretty and I love how you have them pinned up on the line!!! Too cute :)

  26. hello lori! that first picture is so charming: the sheep, the lamp, the vase, the needles, the trim, AND the cutest ever sweaters! the middle one with the aqua buttons tugged my heartstrings to california and back.

    the baby is such a beautiful and willing model. ah six months old: what fun ahead!

    how does one person manage to instill such awe in her knitting, her photos, her friendships? ♥


  27. Lori - okay, I was drooling over those adorable sweaters, and then you threw that baby at me!!!! SO CUTE!!!! Sigh. And you didn't get to keep her? That seems unfair. ;)) I do not knit, so I will pass on your generous offer, and let a knitter snag that pretty yellow yarn. xo Pam

  28. These are absolutely gorgeous! I love this colour. It is one of my favourites. Bella has a cardigan in a similar colour and she's soon to grow out of it :( Baby B is an excellent model! xo

  29. Those cardigans are buttery delicious! I absolute love babies in yellow, especially this particular shade. Cascade makes the richest colors.

    Love your blog too! I could stay here all day looking at your photographs.

  30. you are a wizard - Geli is so right. the cardigans are adorable and the baby is a wonderful model - so cute xx

  31. Your yellow sweaters where sweet and lovely hanging up..but when your little model put one on..oh dear,how sweet is that..just precious!!Hugs,Cat

  32. Oh Lori, I'm not a knitter. I somehow skipped that gene or I didn't have you as a teacher ;)

    I love the sweaters all together on the string on your white-washed wall.

    I love baby B.

    I love your generosity.

    And you ;)


  33. lori dear, your blog is beautiful. i am following along...the yellow sweaters are too nice. x

  34. oh lori...the sweaters are beyond adorable...and that baby...she is just beautiful...

    i wish i knew how to knit...sadly, i don't. i have taken a couple classes here in SLO...but just seem to end up frustrated and give up....

    i guess back to making a pie for me...or pizza !!!!!

    happy to stop by today, my friend

    sending love your way,
    kary and teddy
    hugs to owen :-)

  35. Hello dear Lori,

    Firstly, it is time for you to write and photograph your own book. You need to. I love the photo of your sweaters hanging against the wall...and your gorgeous model Baby lovely, those eyes...those aqua buttons. Perfect.

    Sending love across the miles from our little island.


  36. Those sweaters are gorgeous! And that cutie...such a precious model. I would love to make a yellow wee baby sweater. I love all of the patterns! Thank you for the generous giveaway!

  37. I thought the way you hung those precious tiny sweaters was the cutest thing I ever saw...until I saw Darling little Baby B modeling them! Oh my! She is a cutie patootie!

  38. I just popped over from Tracey's blog Clover and glad I did . They have to be the cutest little cardigans ever. My favourite would have to be the middle one, and as I'm expecting a grandchild in February I would just love the opportunity to go in for the giveaway.PS that little baby is divine!

  39. how did i miss this??? you have just made the three sweetest baby sweaters i've seen in a long time! i can't wait to get snuggly and knit for my baby. lovely model by the way. i'm so inspired!

  40. oh my, those sweaters are the most perfect shade of yellow and the photos are amazing.

    love, love the blue buttons too.

  41. I LOVE everything about this post!! Nicely done :)

  42. Oh, these cardigans are adorable. And that gorgeous baby.

    Thank you for your comment. I really don't know why nobody came up with this name yet. Do you understand german or did you translated it?

    Best wishes from Dresden.

  43. Hello Lori Ann, I’m from Italy. This tuto is really well explained (I started sewing last year but I love it so much!). I’ve just finished one splipper and I’m starting the other one for my friend’s one year old boy, for Christmas they will be a wonderful surprise (especially for my friend!!!) – have a nice time.

  44. Hello, I just saved your pin as I like your slippers on Pinterest, looks like they could look good on a guy as well. I also like your surname! My maiden name was Lamb. I don't have any little people with the middle name Lamb though, I think that's very cute.
    Check out Best Baby Product Reviews. Thanks!

  45. Hey Lori Thanks for post a nice post. Check here Top Baby item.


xoxo lori