it took us both by surprise, her and i, but not really, we knew this time was coming. as she drove off, heading for the airport and her new life, bye momma! i felt so many emotions i couldn't put a name to them all. and i couldn't walk back into the house, empty as it was of her now. i couldn't think of what to do other than cry. and i didn't have to think to do that. so i stood in the driveway and cried. my. heart. out. as i was standing there i saw the bags of clothes she had put in my truck, could i please drop them at the charity shop, she asked? she couldn't bring everything with her.
and then, i had an idea! i raced into the house and told Chuck what i would do, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
and then, i had an idea! i raced into the house and told Chuck what i would do, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
i couldn't bear to give away her clothes, so i cut them up and made my first quilt
for hannah

i cut and cut and sewed and sewed, and listened to this on repeat. had to stop crying here and there so i would stop poking myself with the gd needle
ta da! here is her prom dress, and there is her lifeguard tee-shirt, one of her urban blouses, some jammys and the sides and back are her penguin flannel sheets
quilters, please forgive me, i am sure i broke every rule in the quilting guidebook (where do i get one of those?), there wasn't time to learn the right way
some of the squares have pockets, i am going to tuck little notes and money in those for an added surprise
one of the tee-shirts was made into another pillow - hay y'all! with another cashmere back (i scored on a few sweaters at the thrift shop)
my fingers are sore, but now i feel better, this quilt helped me survive her first week away, i worked on it morning, noon and night, obsessively i'd say
i cut and cut and sewed and sewed, and listened to this on repeat. had to stop crying here and there so i would stop poking myself with the gd needle
one last thing, i made her this banner too, out of discarded remnants (design store samples, sometimes they throw them out!)
for my girl
on wednesday i'll be here and for sure there will be more crying but lots and lots of laughing too, mostly laughing now.
♥ lori
p.s. hannah, i hope you haven't decided to begin reading my blog , but j.i.c., surprise! i hope you like it, love, momma (see you soon!)