Monday, December 31, 2012

there's no place like home

hello dear friends. how are you? i am fine, feeling a bit out of practice here, unable to find my voice for a time. i've been home. spending many hours in my favorite place, my room pictured above. it could be said i was alone, but that is far from true. you see, evidence of friendship surrounds me here. friendships made where i live and in the not so virtual blog world.

even though i wish it came natural for me to talk about what's inside my heart, and how it's been hurt, it is easy telling you that your kindness and concern towards me is like a warm hug that makes all the difference. thank you for checking in, my mom always did say i had the very best friends.

moving into light...did you have a good christmas? would you like to hear my favorite christmas story this year? first, four of my children came home for the holidays, always the best gift of all (but look what my baby girl, who turned twenty two this month, gave to me: a day we spent together here. heaven.) my middle son didn't come, staying instead at his home in brooklyn. so i prepared a box for him, christmas in a box. inside went a string of lights, packaged cocoa and marshmallows, a new mug. his stocking stuffed and gifts wrapped. i filled the box to the brim, if he couldn't be home for christmas, i would send it to him (and a little of me as well). off it went the beginning of december, feeling pretty pleased i had finally been so organized. i let him know to be on the lookout, and he was happy too   :)
days went by and the box had not arrived. i tried not to worry, but did anyway. on saturday december twenty second, the message came, still no box, and my heart sank. we weren't sure if there would be delivery's on the twenty fourth, i tried not to cry, he would be okay i reasoned, it would be okay.

christmas eve. still no box. erik went off to his job that evening. i couldn't sleep thinking about it. after everyone went to bed i sat up with all the lights dimmed, sitting alone with the twinkling tree, when i saw my phone light up too. it was exactly midnight, what? who?

it was my son. he had just gotten home from work, it was three a.m., christmas morning. and he was calling to tell me that there on his doorstep, was the box. christmas had arrived! (santa clause!) maybe i am just turning into a silly old woman? but i truly had the feeling that nothing else mattered. the thing i wished for most of all came true. and that is what i wish for you in the coming year, along with much health and happiness and astonishment and love, that you have the complete and total feeling of nothing else mattering every once in a while.
wishing you the happiest of new years, welcome twenty thirteen.  :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012


the suspect

the crime

the look.
oh owen!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

: :

thanksgiving 2011

in a giveaway, i won a skein of lovely vivid wool from luna grey fiber arts. after being discovered almost immediately by my nine year old granddaughter sadie, who squealed with delight at seeing the colorful yarn, 'make me something out of this grammy?! socks? please?' 

 i made a wrap bracelet to match her new socks, a tiny crochet loop and button closes it. since these will be part of her christmas present, as well as a few other knits to gift this year, i found some labels to sew on, made by soak. i love these fabric care tags with fun sayings! i bought a few individual packs of soak to include with each knit. a bit of added insurance for sending these precious handmades out into the world.  :)   since this is a yarnalong post, and that means sharing knitting and reading, with the snow child still on my mind i haven't begun any new books yet, but have just bought this yesterday and ordered this, more alaska goodness.

tomorrow will be our first thanksgiving with just one child coming home. my other four are all around the country (and world), one is in tokyo, two are in brooklyn ny, one is in arizona, and the grandchildren up near yosemite. i cried last month just thinking about it! but as my thoughtful kids said to me, we will have other together years ahead!
happy thanksgiving american friends, from our family to yours
peace and love to everyone

: : 
child's sock pattern found here :: spud & chloë
beautiful wool here :: luna grey fiber arts     
icord bracelet ::  cast on three stitches and work an icord for 21" or the length needed to wrap around the wrist three times. k 2 tog, then k 2 tog again, ending with one stitch. using this last stitch, single crochet about a half inch or long enough to go around your chosen button. attach button. done!
ravelry notes :: here
joining with ginny :: here

Saturday, November 17, 2012

juneau ~ ice and wool

thank you so very much for the kind comments on my reindeer shawl!(previous post)  i'm happy to report the weather has turned cold here on the coast of california and i've been able to wear it! i want to apologize for going on about alaska, but there is just a bit more to share. 

we left skagway sailing south to juneau, encountering the stormiest seas i've ever been in! since most of the cruising is done through the night, we slept through it, waking though to a salt splashed balcony and sliding doors! welcome to juneau...

a charming picturesque frontier town

commercial fishing

looking around early morning, before our super exciting excursion today...

we are taking a guided hike on the mendenhall glacier, by helicopter!

here we go! it's so loud in here we have to wear headphones and communicate with the pilot and each other through a special mouthpiece

what you don't see right beside me is my sister and our two friends. one person was sobbing (terrified), one was laughing and one was videoing the whole thing, i don't want anyone to feel bad so i won't show those photos (i was consoling, laughing and photographing!)

up we go

in the distance is the juneau icefield we're headed for. when first we arrived at the airport and northstar trekking, we were taken into a gear room where we found bags with our names attached. having previously filled out a form giving our age, height and weight (and signing our lives away) we put on the thick snow pants, wind jacket, gloves, heavy snow boots and a small waist pack provided. you are only allowed to bring what will fit in the pack

we then had to meet for a safety briefing (and to sign more waivers). here is our pilot paul, he was pointing out mountains and glaciers that i immediately forgot the names of

except this, this is the tongass national forest

approaching the snow now

since i was only allowed one lens on the helicopter, i brought a 20-35mm, so you can see...

we flew very close

pilot paul pointed out giant fissures and huge crevasses

he showed us canada in the far distance

we have flown in a very large circle, coming down now towards the mendenhall glacier

eeps. in a helicopter, sitting beside the door as i was, the window goes all the way down to the floor, so it kind of feels like you are going to fall out. it's thrilling and unnerving

mostly thrilling

here is the person videoing, sitting next to the person weeping (feeling much better as soon as we landed)

the mendenhall glacier

looking back

you can just see the helicopter blade in this photo

those are HUGE deep cracks in the ice

we're here!

there is another helicopter just like the one we're in

there it is! the helicopter we just arrived on! a guide ran up to us and with the rotor blades still spinning, she flung open the door and said walk over there, okay!

we were introduced to our guides, liz, claire and grace, they began attaching the crampons to our boots, and we were given hiking poles

see the tiny people in the foreground? this photo gives an idea of the size of the glacier and those cracks we  saw from the sky

after another brief safety talk we began to hike

it's a bit tricky, every sense was engaged. we were shown how to step, feet shoulder width apart and from heel to toe

we came to a fissure that had rushing water and a deep drop off. our guide showed us how to fill our water bottles with glacier water

good job sis!

we were hesitant to walk on the water. you could see it rushing under the layer of ice

it was stunning, incredible, amazing. the sun was shining, sparkling on the ice and snow, i was trying to take it all in

as we were heading back, one of the guides asked if i'd made my hat. :)
it just so happened that she was a new knitter and loving it, spending her free time here on the mountain (between tours) in this yellow tent, knitting away. my sister laughed that of course i would find a knitter on the top of a glacier, in alaska. we had a fun chat and i promised to send her the pattern for my hat (wishing i had time to sit in that tent and knit awhile with her...)

time to leave, here comes our helicopter, you can just see it in the sky

i've never seen a blue like this glacier blue

on the return we flew straight down the glacier, towards mendenhall lake

whew. thank you paul, what a brilliant experience

on the way back to juneau our group chattered nonstop. we had only an hour or so to see the town (in the morning when we arrived everything was closed). everyone deciding what they would like to do, my sister told everyone what i wanted, so the whole bus was looking for it. hee hee

i was looking for seaside yarns!  running most of the way, we found this wonderful knitting shop...

with only moments to decide, i asked about locally spun and or hand dyed wool. owner melissa showed me to this display, her yarn...hand dyed in juneau, alaska! 

it is the quickest i've ever chosen yarn. this skein looked like the glacier ice and water we'd just experienced!

the most beautiful blue. the skein is a woolly silk lace, 875 yds of 80% merino 20% silk  by 'a tree hugger's wife yarns'. later, i read on the label she also has an etsy shop! you can find melissa and her beautiful yarn here and here

back on board the ship, giddy over the day, so wonderful. it felt like a dream, till we emptied out our packs, and found our mendenhall glacier water! next and last alaska post, we go to ketchikan and then vancouver. thank you so much for coming along!
xxx lori

* for those that have asked, our trip was booked through here
and we took this tour