so much happened last weekend that i didn't fit it all into my last journal page. and heaven knows i like to remember. here is a shawlette, i've cast on, which can be worn like a scarf, with the points in front, i like that. (picture a big triangle).

i am knitting with the most beautiful wool i've ever used. it is so special to me because it was sent to me by my friend
sally. she spun the wool and hand dyed it using plants and flowers. i wish everyone could feel it, it's scrumptiously soft and light. and the color. oh my.

when it's finished i'll try to photograph it outdoors so the colors will show to their best. the pattern is one i found on ravelry, it's called gaenor. i'm using a size 6 needle and praying there will be enough yardage or this is all going to come undone. cross fingers for me please.

here is a photo i wasn't sure i ought to put up. what you see is our city's attempt to bring fun activities to town. it was called "snow much fun" and "snow" was dropped onto a grass area and lots of children came out to play. it was 76 degrees last weekend. do you see the shorts and sandals? i can hear some of you groan, but many of these kids have never seen snow before. i thought it was funny and sweet. and i thought of you and how you would gladly donate your snow.

and finally, the most exciting thing happened! owen had his first bath! his grandparents and auntie came up to meet him and his auntie (my sister lindy) who is a dog groomer brought all her doggie stuff and gave him the best treatment. see how cute he was? not scared at all, well maybe a little but he tried not to show it. i think he was mostly embarrassed because he had such an audience.

there was my sister, my mom, stepdad, hannah, chuck and i all surrounding him. poor baby. lindy told me to get him used to the hairdryer, but i didn't do such a good job since he was most afraid of that. but it was all over soon and since it was so warm and pretty out, we finished up his spa treatment outside...

oh, owen....

you really are mr. fluffy pluffy poopie pants now. heeheeeheee.
♥ lori
Oh what a fun day for Owen! He looks adorable!
ReplyDeleteI would love to see some snow too by the way!
Good morning, awoke here to freshly fallen snow...not too much this time but enough to make everything magical! Your shawl looks so beautiful! Looks like Owen did very well for his first bath! He's so adorable!
ReplyDeleteSo adorable that little Owen of yours! I need your sister to come over to my house -- never mind the dog! : )
ReplyDeleteI think the snow drop is cute. It can me quite mesmierizing if you haven't had to shovel it. Actually -- I love the snow. It dresses up an otherwise dreary, grey winterscape. I love your dog Lori!
Am I on your blog list... Oh yes, there I am!
ReplyDeleteOwen looks adorable like that! How did he like the bath?x
Oh, what wonderful photos. First that shawlette and that yarn - simply delicious!! Are you making up the pattern you are using? And how wonderful that your friend spun and died the yarn...
ReplyDeleteAnd little Owen is adorable! Now, Winslow LOVES to get baths and showers - we have to keep him out of the bathroom whenever the water is running. He DOES NOT love the hair dryer, however. Very scary!! So, I towel him off really good and then he dries by himself until he is super soft and fluffy. But not as fluffy as your Owen!!
Such a delight to come visit here... Love, SIlke
I am very impressed with your friends yarn. And Owen is so adorable.
ReplyDeleteSuch beautiful yarn, gorgeous colors - tell Sally I want to be friends with her too ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd mr. fluffy pluffy poopie pants is just adorable.
cool wool!!!
ReplyDeletelove the snow - I've seen it once in a Joburg shopping centre
Owen is like a powder-puff when he's so clean
Oh Lori! That shaw is going to be lovely! I feel drawn to the beautiful colors! How wonderful!
ReplyDeleteOwen looks adorable...how is the training going?
We still have a ton of snow. Starting to tire of it, but I do appreciate it and the beauty of it, especially at night when all is quiet & calm. So Peaceful.
ps... I did not see my blog listed :( I thought you were dumping me. JK
Have a lovely day!
wool= i can just see my friends who knit falling over because of this stunning wool. the colors are incredible, and i'll bet it's soft like a baby's head.
ReplyDeletesnow= HAHAHA! you know how funny i think this is, lori! what a great idea! still, it is the equivalent of importing some of your sunlight in my backyard. oh yes! please!
owen= OMG! he is just adorable. totally adorable. how lucky you all are to have one another!
love you, lori times six. ♥
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ReplyDelete{I'm typing in the dark, full of spelling mistakes... sorry}
ReplyDeleteOh my God Owen and his little heart-shaped nose! He is too much.
Mr E experienced his first snow ever last Friday when a surprising 2 inches of snow covered Rome for a couple hours. So I think the snow much fun event was a great idea, especially for kids who have never seen it.
Finally I have to compliment you and Sally for the great job. You for knitting that sweet shawlette, and she spinning such environment friendly wool. How cool!!
I miss you!
Lola xx
That shawlette your are knitting is gorgeous. I tried knitting once and was a complete failure...lol!
ReplyDeleteOMG.... snow? Seriously? I am groaning due to the 3 ft of it that I'm looking at right now!!
Owen is a little fluffer ball. He is adorable!!!
OH cutie puppy! A snow day in 76 degrees? How funny!
ReplyDeleteArizona does the same 'bring in the snow' activities, so I understand. :) And little Owen is just too much!
ReplyDeleteOh, he is gorgeous for sure. :D
ReplyDeleteSally did a beautiful job of the wool didn't she? Very clever indeed, methinks.xx♥
Lori, would you come down here to teach me how to knit? We would have some tea, share stories and talk about puppies, how about that???
ReplyDeleteOwen is adorable and really cute!!
Have a great weekend !!
I was looking at Owen in his bath this morning and John is standing behind me and he says....."is that Buddy"...i told him all about Owen...so cute...looks just like our little Buddy...
ReplyDeleteheat wave broke :-{
that's o.k. rain sounds nice and the garden loves it...
are you going to susie's? i have my father in laws 85th birthday that day....looks like I'll miss it :-{
let me know if you go....
more later, my friend
sending love,
kary and buddy
dear chaitra, i guess you don't get much snow where you are either? it was a lot of fun for the children and their parents!
dear nan, that sounds magical. that's the snow i picture, so romantic. owen did do so well, he is such a funny sweet dog, he makes us laugh.
dear lyn,
yes, i know what you mean, woulden't a little pampering be nice? and i do love your attitude about snow. i imagine it can get tiresome though!
dear sammi,
he didn't know what to think, i hope he does as well next time!
dear silke,
oh i'm not making the pattern, i found it on ravelry. do you know about this place, you need to go if not! i couldn't make a link because you have to be a member. it's wonderful though. this wool is amazing. i wish you could feel it!
and puppys and bathtime, it doesn't get much cuter! that is so funny about winslow, i hope owen will love it too.
coco, the yarn is amazing, sally is brilliant. owen is also a handful!
bhavana, i forgot to say you can buy her yarn on etsy. i'll write about it on my next post.
janet, oh i didn't know that this is so common. i bet the kids loved it there too! (and you too).
dear janis,
oh no! just making some changes. isn't the yarn a perfect color to welcome spring? it is really so lovely.
dear kj,
it is funny!i thought you'd think so too, and so cute, just like owen, i can hardly take all this cuteness! i am going to write about the yarn next, tell where everyone can get some! love you too kj friend.
dear lola,
hi my friend! how are you? and little e? and your mom? i hope all are well. are you back from sweden? i'll send you a mail. miss you too.
you could do it, i am sure, you are immensely talented. you need to come here and we'll sit in the warm sun at the beach and i'll show you how, you will not fail!
cuteness everywhere!
i'm hearing that it's a common thing, it was so popular here i'm sure it'll happen again.
dear natsy,
sally is brilliant. go see her, and you'll see what i mean!
mina, i would love to take you up on your invitation. maybe someday i will, :) there are so many good tutorials on the web, let me know if you'd like me to email you some links, i'll help if i can from here!
dear kary,
i bet buddy and owen would be best friends, owen could really use a wise friend, someone to show him the way!
it is foggy here this morning, rain is on the way they are still saying.
i am hoping to go up saturday,i'm trying to get a friend to come along! i may go alone, i don't want to miss it. I'm sorry you won't be there. an 85th birthday is very special though!
love to you and buddy (thank you for telling me what john said).
lori ♥
Owen gets more and more adorable by the blog post. What a cutie.
ReplyDeleteAnd as a fellow CA resident who gets excited by the "snow" (soap) at Disneyland, no shame in putting up pictures. We're an odd state but we like it that way.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...sweet lil thang! and a beautiful shawl..you're SO clever...! xxx j
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute puppy! Adorable.