One of the best things I did all week was see and try to get photos of an endangered shore bird, the Western snowy plover. It's a tiny little thing, about the size of a sparrow, the chick's impossibly small and cute. The snowy plovers habitat is disappearing and they won't survive without our help. The most important thing is to be aware of breeding areas and be respectful of their space. These are the best photos I could get, so I tried painting them on this sand colored rock to show them better.
The number of snowy plovers on our beaches who reside, nest and fledge their young is an indicator of the health of our sandy beaches and coastal ecosystem. Western snowy plovers will survive as a species as long as they have small, protected nesting islands and habitat. The snowy plover is an important part of the interconnected web of life on the shore. Plovers have lived on California beaches for thousands of years, but today human use of their remaining beach habitat seriously threatens their survival.

I hope you nest in peace little snowy. And I hope you have a great week where ever it is you call home.
♥ lori