Sunday, July 25, 2010

home grounds

One of the best things I did all week was see and try to get photos of an endangered shore bird, the Western snowy plover. It's a tiny little thing, about the size of a sparrow, the chick's impossibly small and cute. The snowy plovers habitat is disappearing and they won't survive without our help. The most important thing is to be aware of breeding areas and be respectful of their space. These are the best photos I could get, so I tried painting them on this sand colored rock to show them better.

The number of snowy plovers on our beaches who reside, nest and fledge their young is an indicator of the health of our sandy beaches and coastal ecosystem. Western snowy plovers will survive as a species as long as they have small, protected nesting islands and habitat. The snowy plover is an important part of the interconnected web of life on the shore. Plovers have lived on California beaches for thousands of years, but today human use of their remaining beach habitat seriously threatens their survival.

I hope you nest in peace little snowy. And I hope you have a great week where ever it is you call home.

♥ lori


  1. What fabulous pictures of such a special bird!
    Sadly this story of endangerment is being repeated all over the world too often.

    Your rock art is sublime! Maybe you have some bushman genes way way way way back in your DNA. . . . .


  2. gorgeous pictures - I remember when those birds abounded. Time to let them nest and rebound their population.

  3. What a special post this is. You captured some important and beautiful shots of the dear little bird, and preserved the memory of your day perfectly on that rock.

    Oregonians do not take this issue seriously enough. Personally, I think beaches should be off limits to humans during snowy plover nesting season. . .

  4. Beautiful pictures Lori!x

    I love when you paint things onto pebbles.

  5. I was lucky enough to see these while living in CA. I coudn't get over how teeny they are!!
    I was fascinated to learn that they build their nests in footprints we've left in the sand. Sadly though, other folks come along and crush the eggs by following previous footprints.
    I'd always stop people from going off the paths and cutting through protected areas. They're the same people who take starfish home! I was the police at Asilomar ;)

    Beautiful job on the rocks Lori. Audubon would be proud!

    Would you mind emailing me your mailing address? I have a little something to send you ;)


  6. Lovely Lori ... your pics as usual took us along for the hike. And I marvel at your ability to transfer your impressions onto the rocks through your painting. Awesome my friend! Hugs. L

  7. The best you could get .......????!!!
    They are awesome!
    So is that web picture, well and all the others too.
    What a cute little bird.

    Have a nice week Lori!♥

  8. Love the adventure of capturing- without-capturing the snowy bird. Did you paint the stones? They look lovely. I like the naturally textured feel of stone in the background. I see that you wrote a book! Yes, and congratulations, Lori. (Maybe you talked about it but I missed it?)I always thought you should share your creativity in a book. I want to read it. Now...on to the next! I hope included some paintings? Everything seems sunny in your part of the world. So glad to see it. xx

  9. hello lori! my heart started pumping when i realized from my blog roll there will be new lori pictures. what an important message you offer. why are so many of we humans so indifferent to things like this, to the reverence of other species. i know it has something to do with thinking we are the center of the universe! how good to know otherwise. thank you always for the reminder.

    your little rock painting is wonderful. you are a good painter, lori! and does anyone capture the sunlight on the ocean better than you? (nah!)

    sending you plenty of extra love for the week,friend.


  10. I have never seen these birds - they are adorable. I love your pictures and your stone art :)

  11. peaceful and informative post and I love the rock art, even more than the paddles :-)

  12. just love swingin' by yours...always makes me feel good. your pics are beautiful! and man. love the blueberry post too. lots love lori. x j

  13. I ´ve never heard about this birdies and I will show to my daughter as she loves every kind and species of animals and birds ( except hens that she is very scared of...) . The photographs are fantastic and this lens you used... amazing!
    I love your rock painting art and all those heart shaped rocks.
    Have a peaceful week, dear Lori!

  14. oh, and that feather, lori....

    so beautiful.

  15. I adore the Snowy Plovers....I always enjoy their delicate scamperings across the sand, playing "tag" with the ocean waves.

    You KNOW how I feel about all endangered of the many things I miss about not being an employed person is that I can no longer contribute to all the animal organizations..... now, all I can do is blog about them and sign petitions....

    The Rock Paintings are are your photos....


    ♥ Robin ♥

  16. ohhhh! So adorable! Thank you for educating us on these special little Snowy Plovers.
    Love your rocks too. Annie found a little heart shaped one simular to the one next to your painted ones. And that lens... that is what I call a kick butt lens!

  17. Blogger must have eaten my comment! Anyway, i said what a gorgeous little bird and I agreed with Janet. xx♥

  18. Janet,

    I know, it's true. To educate ourselves seems to be the only way. Hey I saw some rock art made by the bushmen, awesome. What a great thought.



    thank you so much for such a wonderful comment. Awareness is growing, i really hope so. thank you!



    thank you very much. i'm hoping to join the local docent program, i think it will help spread the word.



    thank you so much. I agree with you. The problem is areas are roped off, but the birds run outside of the ropes to feed at the water line. People and dogs can't help but pass through this corridor and that's when so many get stepped on (nests). The big problem is the birds and humans like the same kind type of beach.


    ah thank you sweetie!



    That is brilliant! You were a docent! that is what i want to do (it's a kind word for police i think). As soon as i stop working so much i will. We have a great program here.
    People who take starfish make me cry. I'm so glad you stopped some.
    Thank you so much for your kind words re the small painting. I emailed you :)



    thank you so much, i am so glad you enjoyed, it's always my pleasure.



    thank you! it was as close as i could get with my lens, so they are a little hard to see. My husband's photos will be awesome, did you see his lens?

  19. Beautiful pictures. Snowy plovers might be protected, but have many predators.

  20. Cynthia,

    hi! i appreciate your comment. I didn't write a book, but i did paint the birds. We were lucky on this day, the sun actually came out briefly. We've had weeks of fog.



    i believe thats it, what you said. This belief and lack of caring, could be the worse thing there is for all of us and every living thing.
    Thanks for all the love friend, i'm ready for the week!



    thank you so much! the little snowies are so cute and so small, makes you want to protect them.



    haha, thank you! the paddles were fun but a little pressure. the rock just fun!



    So happy to see you, i was just listening to Serendipity and thinkin of you. Did you bake the scones??



    thank you! i know just how Camila feels, i used to be scared of chickens and geese too...they peck! have a good week too my friend.



    i think it was a snowy plover...sweet hey? thank you.



    that is a LOT, when people know something they want to take care of it. you are helping because you care so much. thank you for such kind words.



    thanks so much, i know if you lived here you'd be protecting them for sure! heart rocks are so much fun to find!



    darn blogger! thank you dear! i do appreciate your sweet words.

  21. Rosaria,

    thank you. that's entirely true, but as their habitat diminishes so do their chance of survival.

  22. i love these sweet little dudes and your wonderful shots of them! but your painting is the best ♡
    "nest in peace" -- priceless!!

    i love to watch the beach birds in south carolina where we get a lot of terns - i'll have to check to see if any plovers ever migrate there.....

    wishes for a lovely week to you too lori and thanks for your kind comments at my place ♡ xoxo

  23. what beautiful shots, Lori and what a cute little bird! It's terrifying the way so many creatures are losing their habitats and it seems as fast as one group tries to save them, another takes them out.

  24. This is such a hopeful and sad post at the same time. I just went down to the San Diego Zoo and it was sad to see how many species were on the endangered list simply because they are constantly losing their habitat.

    So sad...yet your sunny outlook and beautiful rock paintings made me feel like it's gonna be okay. :)

  25. Lovely post and beautiful photos.
    I will put the Snowy Plovers on my prayer list. Darling little birds.
    Thank you for drawing attention to them. xoxo

  26. Lori do you think I could borrow your husband's lens pleaaaaase ... the things I could see around here with one of those giants.

    I hope the Plovers get the respect they need to keep their numbers up.

    Love your little pebble art

    Smiles to you*!*

  27. such cute pics of the bird. wow. i need to go to the beach.

  28. Amanda,

    the first photo is of Terns! Least Terns, i really like them too. Thank you for all your kind words, i really appreciate them.



    thank you! i love your weavers too, luckily they are doing fine, fabulous birds!



    got to remain hopeful, no matter what i think. thank you for the positive words always. we'll keep doing what we can hey?



    thank you much, that's hopeful and sweet. Bless your heart.



    haha, i can't even lift his lens! it's a monster. But i wish you could see the magnification in it, it's amazing. Thanks so much for the kind words!



    the beach is a good place to be! thanks for coming by and for leaving such a nice comment!

  29. hehe ;) I was going to say I bet I'd get the arm shakes trying to lift it*!*

  30. Awesome pics Lori. The beach and the birds look so beautiful. Hopefully more awareness of their plight will give us the wake up call we need. And their habitat will be respected.
    Thanks for all your visits to my blog Lori. I have been totally hopeless at getting around to my bloggy friends recently. I always love hearing from you.
    NYC Sept 7-17 (if you happen to venture that way in Sept, you know how to contact me!)

  31. Annie,

    haha, oh you HAVE to use a tripod. I'd love to see the shots you'd get with it!



    you'll be leaving soon! so exciting! have a wonderful time. Oh i wish our dates would have lined up. i think i'll be going the last weekend in august, but only for a long weekend. travel safely my friend!

  32. i loved this too...i think those little birds are so darling...i have seen them on the beach in cayucos and morro bay....

    and YES! fact as i write this i am sitting in my flannel snowman p.j.' has been so summer here this year...not so far...

    teddy is sitting right here on my shoulder and says HI....

    sending love,
    kary and teddy

  33. love love love the photos.....

    and Wow look at the size of that lens! That's huge and I imagine difficult to balance.

    I always enjoy everything that you share here Lori :)

    I hope this comment finds you happy in the sunshine with no signs of fog.


  34. Ps... all those little rocks and your painting are true treasures x

  35. Kary,

    hi teddy! yes that fog is relentless. no summer here either. we were in Santa Barbara today and saw some sun, just a bit. what a strange feeling that was. soon i think right??



    ah thank you! the lens takes it's own backpack and weighs a ton, it is not one for me!
    the fog is still here. everyday. wet, cold, dreary fog. i like it, just not this much of it. come out sun!

  36. I was so excited to see this post about plovers! And I love the little painting you did and the little heart-shaped rocks all around it!!! So, so sweet. <3


xoxo lori