This morning my husband left Ventura Harbor with a group of several other's to take part in The Friendship Paddle. The journey will begin at Forneys Cove, which is situated on the west end of Santa Cruz Island, and will end at the beach at Holly Avenue (third beach as the locals call it) in Carpinteria.
I'm not sure of the numbers yet, only that there are are a few boats and many paddler's. Tommorrow morning the men will form into teams that will alternate with the support boats, in a kind of relay (the boats acting as escorts) and they will make their way across the channel. 30 miles. Of open ocean.
They are doing this for a friend and fellow Carpinterian (and neighbor of ours) who is battling brain cancer. It's a way to raise funds to assist individuals and their families who are suffering from life threatening illnesses.
A beach barbeque will follow the paddle with sponsors providing food and drink, it's sure to be a great time for friends, family and the community to come together in a time of need.
My daughter Kimberly wrote a story about this (i took alot of her words here cause I coulden't get the thing to copy and paste, i am sooo slow) you can read about it at http://www.deepzine.com/ and go to archives, its in the August issue, page 9. And for more info about the paddle you can check out http://www.friendshippaddle.org/.
We love you TomStrong.
I'm proud of you D.H.
Here's to good health, good friends and family.
x L
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