Saturday, September 24, 2011

treasure hunting

all photos, (except the shelf and book ones) are taken with a pentax super me and fuji film, my last flea market find!

we went to the flea market in town. once a month the carpinteria museum hosts it for a few hours on saturday morning. we always find one or two small treasures, although i like to just look. the thing i liked best today was watching my granddaughter. she had five dollars of her own to spend and she's now old enough to walk around with a friend, coming back to check in with her mama and me every so often (it's a small market and we can still see her).

the girls chose matching friendship bracelets which they proudly posed with. the museum attendant ladies said they wished all the children that visited were like sadie and her friend. since i can't take credit for that its okay i boast right? but if i were to say how proud i am of my daughter... oh these girls of my heart...    

my finds pictured are: an old leaf candle holder, a wooden shelf installed by myself (there was even a power drill involved!), two vintage crocheted hangers and an old alice starmore knitting book filled with beautiful photos and classic designs. grand total: seven dollars!

we haven't seen the sun in days and last night there was a spectacular thunder and lightening storm with what felt like hurricane winds, but judging by tonight's sunset you would never know.



  1. She is just beautiful Lori and it looks like she takes after her mom and grandmom!
    Your flea market looks like a great place to browse and I adore your treasures. Very impressive on using a power drill.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. xx

  2. Those kids looks like they're having such a good time, and how sweet that they bought bracelets together. And your daughter looks so beautiful too. would love to wander the flea market with you - but this is the next best thing

  3. How lucky the little girls are to get introduced to flea markets at such an early age. I'm glad you had such a good day.

  4. you are the true treasure my much loved friend
    x R

  5. Flea markets are so great to go, to take pictures, only for looking at unique items or to buy something you never expected you would find. I loved the spools, I guess I would ´ve bought them all!
    What a great grandma you are and how lucky they felt to be with you!

  6. I love the matching friendship bracelets!!So sweet!!and wonderful goodies to look at too..the thread spools are great!!Looks like a wonderful way to spend the time,Hugs,Cat

  7. What a great day and your grandaughter is is her ma and grandma :) x

  8. The picture of the proud little arms, I LOVED! It sounds like a good time, the thunder and lightning too! (maybe not for Owen)


  9. what great finds and such a good deal! i love sadie's bow and sweetness. your girls are all so beautiful just like you. xox

  10. Those are sweet days for sure, Lori. And you can take all sorts of credit! What a lovely family you have! xo Pam

  11. Looks like a fun day. I want one of those sweaters, I better learn to knit! Yes, it is okay to be proud of your kids and grandchildren! I am typing with one hand as I am holding a little kitty in the other :-).xoxo

  12. the biggest trasure you found was seeing your granddaughter every now and then. Indeed you should be proud! She and your daughter both look a lot like you! My, how lucky you are .
    Lovely finds and pictures Lori , they are always a sight for a ore eye to me


  13. great butterflies shot, Lori and
    how about that fisherman's shack with the fish over the door??
    Looks like a fabulous day.

  14. I love the fact that this is photo with film! Ah, makes the heart pitter-patter!
    Lovely finds, lovely shots.
    The whole tells a story without words, tho the words sure bring it to life. :-)


  15. Yay! Film!
    Wonderful shots, of course...Love the shelf, good work!

  16. That fisherman house!! I can see myself spending some weekends there.

    Lorraine :-}

  17. Love flea market days! What special memories for your granddaughter. Great finds!

  18. You take such wonderful photos, it sounds like a great day out

  19. Your family is beautiful and treasure hunting is so much fun!!

  20. Lovely images Lori and you had some gorgeous subjects to work with! Glad you enjoyed your time with your granddaughter.

  21. Awww she is gorgeous and so are your pictures! Lovely!

  22. Flea markets are magical places. And the matching bracelets, lovely. Ah, the integrity and innocence of childhood is refreshing.

    The vintage crocheted hangers are beautiful, and so is the shelf.

  23. Finally I can visit blogs again! And yours is always such a treat, Lori! Doing things with our children and grandchildren, just sharing our fun in looking, isn`t that the best? I`m sending you some of our autumn sun!

  24. Finally I can visit blogs again! And yours is always such a treat, Lori! Doing things with our children and grandchildren, just sharing our fun in looking, isn`t that the best? I`m sending you some of our autumn sun!

  25. Sorry! Why does the veri word not appear right away? I tried again, but that made my comment appear twice. Stupid, stupid.
    I love you teaching me knitting, Lori! Some computering wouldn`t be bad, either!


xoxo lori