Thursday, November 3, 2011

small visitor

 yesterday this little bird flew into our house.

 it came in through this window...

which really was surprising since this puppy is usually standing guard (it's his favorite spot, notice his
toy hot dog on the window sill in the photo above this one, hee hee)

after flying and crashing madly around the room, all the while owen jumping and barking too, the poor thing landed at the opposite window. see that tiny spot above the words? he's maybe two inches long.

he sat dazed and disoriented on this ledge, for almost ten minutes. owen having been shooed to the backyard. i talked softly to him and do you know he seemed to calm and listen?

he was so cute, i took hurriedly jiggly photos, i need chuck's help with id'ing. i think it's some kind of warbler? maybe you know?

have a lovely weekend everyone, we are supposed to get some rain, a good thing   :)
xo lori


  1. Oh what a sweetie! I adore birds, but am hopeless at identification. I'd guess a warbler or wren. :)

  2. i don't know what kind he is either but he is adorable - that's so upsetting when a bird gets caught in a building, you feel so sorry for the poor creatures banging about. but it sounds like your little fellow had a wonderful end to his adventure — thanks to your calming voice and presence, dear lori, to help him on his way.

    (mr. owen got shooed to the back yard hehe!!) he looks so cute peeking out the window!

    have a wonderful weekend lori, rain or shine ♡

  3. Oh my gosh, I LOVE these photos! That room is adorable, too! Such a sweet little bird. :)

  4. great documentary photos!! as always!! I do adore that shot of Owen at the window. Owen in charge?

  5. Such a sweet little house guest Lori:) He looks a little like a White Eye but I'm not sure. How wonderful to have him visit you, so special.

  6. It always does it - talking softly to scared animals, or better even, singing! They all love singing! A fierce goat who everybody was afraid of once climbed onto my lap and let me scratch the spot between his horns that he couldn`t reach. Frightened horses or wary cows, they all listen and relax.
    Your little bird is so tiny and sweet. He could be a wren, but is GREEN? Once a Goldhähnchen (sort of wren) flew against our window and lay there like dead. Then H. picked him up and sheltered him for a while until he opened his eyes. Such a feeling!
    You have a heart for everyone, Lori.

  7. Glorious!!! you are my bestest most favourite photographer in my world... I love your captures Lori... they're simply JOY.

    and on another note... some say that birds are visitors of loved ones passed x

  8. what a lovely little bird and what great pictures!! I don't even know what warbler means, so I can't help you :-0

  9. How beautiful. Enjoy your weekend x

  10. Beautiful bird. No idea what it is, but such a little cutie. Glad you managed to calm him (her?) down :)

  11. Lori, it looks like you and owen had a very exciting time yesterday! I love the shot of Owen in the window. My little dog, Twinkie, likes to sit on the piano and look out the window.
    Wanted to let you know I am so happy for you getting to do your happy dance. You have a beautiful talent and a lovely soul,; I hope you happy dance daily!

  12. Loved this lovely post ! So simple and so happy. Merci and Gracias from a Chilean-Scottish travel writer (based in Paris !).
    Francisca Matteoli

  13. He's so cute! I think he's some kind of wren? :) He looks like he is listening very carefully to you, Lori. We don't get many birds in the house, but we did get the cutest little bat once! xox

  14. I bet Owen was exhausted after all the excitement....maybe you as well! We have had birds in the garage but never in the house! Beautiful photos :)

  15. Ah, he (or she) is darling! Glad it ended well. Kiss that cutie Owen for me will you. xoxo

  16. what a beautiful little visitor! i love the pictures you got of it and owen at the windowsill! so so cute. you really are snow white.

  17. What a lovely little visitor and I'm glad it made Owen's day.

  18. Dear Lori~

    I love the idea of a "visit."

    I believe this is a young Vireo. It sure looks like one.

    I have missed your posts. I hope to find the time to come back soon and savor them like desert or a fine wine.

    I'm glad the little bird found his way again, with the help of you of course...and NO help from Owen ;)


  19. Hi Lori,
    Oh, that is such a sweet bird and I can just imagine the chaos with Owen!
    Owen looked adorable in the window and I love his toy hot dog! I've seen birds like that here occasionally and was trying to look it up to identify...I thought it could be a warbler, too but it sort of looks like a Philadelphia Vireo but I am not really sure!

  20. I'm so happy you captured some photos of your little visitor. How beautiful!

  21. I think he wanted to sit on your finger!

    The shot of Owen looking out the window is extra wonderful.

    Have a great weekend!


  22. Your jiggly photos are better than my steady ones.

    Awwww, well, this little birdie must have known which house to visit! And quite honestly, if I were in your presence, I'd be a little dazzled and disoriented too. Hehehehe, that photo of Owen at the window is to die for!

    HA! Oh, Lori! Your story of that roller coaster had me laughing my butt off! Oooh, I do not blame you. I've seen that one from the freeway (Ted says it's the Collosus). It's a thousand times worse than the Zipper!

    Have a great weekend!

  23. That little birdie is the sweetest thing! Your photos are always so beautiful no matter how jiggly.:) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  24. lori dear, i won't swear on your blog but i am still laughing my rear end off (ie a__) at your total lack of sympathy on my blog last night

    now then: this photo of owen at the window is award winning. i mean it. i want it. put it on etsy please. send it to a doggie magazine. just totally adorable.

    and this wee bird. i can hear your soothing voice. you talked to it for quite a while, didn't you? heck, if i were a bird, i would trust you too.

    (hahhahee wise guy)
    i love you!

  25. I'm sure after visiting sweet you,he may continue to stop by...but geez Owen looks too cute sitting by the window standing guard!!Hugs,Cat

  26. what a sweet little visitor.
    Eish!! I can just hear the frenetic Owen trying to send the "unwelcome intruder" off. He must have been very indignant when you banished him outdoors.

  27. I think I would have caught my breath and held it for being so close to such a lovely thing! And your hurriedly jiggly photos are wonderful!
    Happy weekend to you Lori!!

  28. She is a beautiful little song bird, I'm so glad you were able to rescue her!

  29. What an exciting day! For you and for the little tweet! So glad he found his way safely back outside.

  30. What an exciting event! And, so beautifully told in words and pictures. He really is a handsome fella. I would guess some kind of warbler, too.

  31. aww, what an adorable little visitor:)

  32. Love your posts and your photos are always stunning, have a nice week ahead, Inge

  33. Beautiful imagery - well done on having your camera there, you are quite the bird papparazi. It might be a yellow thornbill? Katie x

  34. Such a velvet look to its feathers!

  35. I was thinking Yellow Warbler too, but it might be a Vireo of some sort. He's beautiful whatever he is!


xoxo lori