"Mom! I found a place, it's perfect. We'll be out today!"
"I know, it's sudden, but it's right" she tells me.
Lillie Avenue, Summerland ,California
...I know that she needs to do this. She needs her own space.
A place to raise her children in her own way...
...when I come to The Sacred Space it's for inspiration, not usually to buy anything. But this time I came already inspired, I wanted to find something to grace my daughter's new home...
" ...when your home is the sacred space it's a constant reminder to stay conscious, and to be in loving harmony with your being...."

...i must have looked a little bewildered, standing there surrounded by dozens and dozens of choices. What would be best to gift my daughter with? A lovely sales person came up to me and asked would you like some tea while you look? yes please. Look what she brought me. See this beautiful tray with Yogi Tea and raw sugar?

...would a new Buddha be best?...
...she already has plenty of family pictures...

... the Datura, or Angel's trumpet...
...oh wouldn't it be nice to just live here?...

...crystals are a good option, but I had better decide, I want to get home to help her move.
...I made my choice and then started walking back. I didn't know what I was feeling, happy or sad, or maybe a little of both.
...all the way home, I kept thinking of her, all the stages of her life. I thought about where I may have let her down as a mother, where I could have done a better job. I know better than to think these thoughts, we do the best we can. It's all we can do.
...I worry about my doodles too. It's not easy being a single Mom. I think that's true no matter where in this world you call home.

create your own sacred space of Intention.
simple items to create your space.
A medium rug
an altar
a Buddha, Quan Yin or your favorite deity
a picture of a family member
a candle
an offering bowl for your intention
flowers, seeds, shells, incense.
I have to have a look.
She came back once for something forgotten, and we hugged and she said sorry this is so sudden. And at that moment I told her (as I gave her her gift), it's Okay.
oh lord.
p.s. she called tonite and said the oldest doodle was in heaven, the place comes with Direct T.V. and he now gets every sports channel. Oh good. Now, I'm really Ok.
Love, Lori