The Blomunity (blog + community) sounds kind of good no? ok, how about Blage for blog + village...sort of? Well, anyway, my best blog~mates have tagged, memed and awarded me 6 different ways. It seems i've let these pile up, I know, I am lagging! So, now these are all going to get rolled into one great big post. I'll be brief. So you won't be tempted to take back your awards... and hand me a new one for lagging. hehe.

Photo Tag ~ I am tagged by the lovelies
Bhavana &
Cynthia . The idea is to go to your folders and from the 6th one post the 6th photo. And then talk about it. Well... as you can see this is not an incredibly interesting photo! I said to myself when i was tagged and before I went to my photos, I am really going to use the photo, no matter what it is, barring naked people. Just kidding, I don't really have naked people in my folders. At least I don't think I do... So, the photo is my kitchen, our fish, some of my cookbooks and my Buddha. I took the photo because I am making a cookbook for a gift. It's a surprise so I don't want to talk too much. But I'll tell you it's so much fun to do and the end result is fabulous! to make it you go to this great website, upload your own photos & recipes, then the whole thing comes back bound in a book. It's a great gift, I think. So this photo was going to be part of the book I'm making. Instead of this picture, I wish I could show you the book. If you are interested in making your own you might check out and if you want to give me one of your cookbooksthat you make too, that would be ok with me... ;)
Now the Letter Tag. This is fun and again you can go to
Val for the official rules. She does a great job describing and besides its a perfect excuse to go over and say hi to her. So, the letter. I lucked out and got S.
Here goes, in no particular order...
1) Sleep. If you've had a baby (or babies) you will agree sleep rates right up there with food and water(and sex). Even if you haven't, you will agree we need our sleep. Lots of it.
2) Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar, is the way I like to start the day. Often times I don't have the time for a class, so this yoga pose or series of asana sequences is perfect for me.
3) Sea/Shore, I think I have a little saltwater in my blood, it's hard to be away from the ocean for too long, could I have been a mermaid in a past life? :)
4) Sagittarius, Husband, Daughter and G~son are ones. I love Sagittariuses.
5) Serendipity, "making pleasant discoveries by accident" . Accidental or otherwise, I think they are out there all around us all the time. If we are looking in the right way.
6) Solitude, i read before that this can mean being a recluse or lonely. That sounds sad. To me solitude is a beautiful word, full of wide open spaces, expanses of plains and sea and sky. And no one else. just me. I like that alot.
7) Safari, " There is something about safari life that makes you forget all your sorrows and feel as if you had drunk half a bottle of champagne ~ bubbling over with heartfelt gratitude for being alive." Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen), Out of Africa. Yup.
8) Sister, mine. The Best.
9) Sierras, we live approximately five hours from one of the most magnificent mountain ranges in the world. From one of my favorite books, My First Summer in the Sierra ~ John Muir ..."beauty beyond thought everywhere, beneath, above, made and being made forever."
10) Sunflower, sturdy, tolerant, forgiving and to me so optimistic. Always facing towards the sun. Making seeds for us and our bird friends. And this from my gardening book, Not for tidy gardens! oh goody! This is my kind of flower!and...sunshinestargazespiritualstingraysublimestrawberriesspasummersongbirdsilly...
And now the last part of this marathon post,
The Awards!
With most humble gratitude (yay!yay!) I have been generously given this sweet award "Light in the Soul" by the Uber Talented Tessa, you can find her at The Aerial Armadillo. Gracias, dear one.

....and this, "The Superior Scribbler" came from the seriously gifted Nicky at Absolute Vanilla. Dankie, Nicky :)
...and here, this sweet "Friends award" came from Sue over at Soo's Stuff. She's a sweetie. And I think away from blogging for a bit, but hopefully she'll be back soon. So thank you Sue.
And now for the good part... I get to pass these on...!! These awards definitely go to each and every person that are on my blogroll, but if I try to pass these out one by one, I'll be linking and typing till tomorrow and my family might not like me anymore. So...being a big believer that good fortune is best when shared with others...
The Light in the soul Award
The Soaring Impulse by Maithri
The Superior Scribbler Award
Under The Blood Red Sky by Janet
The Friend Award
SweetMango by SweetsweetMango
...and now I feel like jumping in the ocean, I think I'll go back to Samoa, want to come with me?
xxx lori
p.s. one last s. Sincerely...
Very worthy recipient too!
ReplyDeleteLoved the 's' stuff - you had me at sleep!
Thank you Lori for the lovely comment YOU left for mexx
P.s. I was going to pass one on to you too but I could see you were busy already!
Consider this your fanfare from me.xx :D
Must be an award sort of day, I just handed out some that I was supposed to have done in December...better late than never.
ReplyDeleteLori, you deserve these and more, keeping up with the family and all the friends on the net. Every one of your posts tickles our fancy.
My Beautiful friend,
ReplyDeleteI am deeply humbled by your gift of love to me...
I think i would have chosen so many of those 's' words myself... especially serendipity... ( the story goes the word was derived from the day Marco Polo discovered the tropical island of sri lanka...which is where i was born ;) )
I love safaris...;) very close to the hospital where i work in swaziland there is a sign which reads "beware! Lions, wildebeest and elephant may cross in the next 5 kms" ... And they do!! ;)
As for mermaids... I have always called the foaming mouth of the ocean 'the mermaids breath'... it reminds me of the mystery... of how little we really know...
I send you my love across the warm blue waters...
It is summer here...and also very clearly summer in your heart ;)
Much love, M
I loved your thought on the Sierras! Since I live in them, I am always grateful for others that love them, too.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post.
Hey Lori!!!
ReplyDeleteThe award is a huge compliment for me.
Besides the fun reads, I joined the world of blogging so I could try to improve my writing / communicating skills!
Great post as ever. Oooh I must get cracking on mine. I got D I think. Hmmmmmm
ReplyDelete... enjoying your blog!
ReplyDeleteaw Natalie, you are a love!
ReplyDeleteKen, yes, that's what I thought!
lakeviewer, thank you for such kind words, i love what you had to say too.
Maithri, i knew there was a reason sri lanka seemed extraordinary.
Dear Lover, you are lucky, maybe we'll meet someday?
Janet, of course you are deserving, I love to read your posts. practice? you are fabulous. keep writing.
Miranda, cmon darling, diapers,doodoo,dada,dolly...
xxx lori
Lovely words.... serendipitious is how I see coming across you and my new blog friends.
lovely idea about the cookbook! Geli could do that too. pity i dont really have any recipes....
ReplyDeleteloved the photo - yourp lace bathed in warm golden light for al you golden people :-)
great list of words too! you sound so serene and wonderful..and you are x
Dear Golden Bonnie Lori,
ReplyDeleteas I have come a little late I read all these comments and find myself saying yes yes to each one! You deserve every praise and award, and I love your choice of words, and I just LOVE your idea of knitting little somethings for all the children in the Botswana Day Care Center! This shows how big your heart is (and I know you wouldn`t even mention it!).Just keep on being yourself!
wow, busy post! love that recipe book idea... brilliant! and it does sound as if you have a bit of mermaid in you from all i've learned about you so far! well done for bloggy awards, you sure deserve them - awesome! xx
ReplyDeleteYour blog is all about serenity and serendipity...and beauty, light, love and laughter. And yes, you are a mermaid. Your love of the sea sings of that...only difference is that you aren't bound to live in the water 'cos you've got legs instead of a tail. Yay! It means you can take us all for lovely runs along the shore time and time again.
ReplyDeletefire byrd ~ hughughug yourself for me.
ReplyDeleteVal ~ I will make you one! a cookbook! i have some lovely you like Tabouli or Red pepper Hummus, how about Gratin Dauphinois(scalloped potatoes with cheese)or what about Salmon Croquettes...yum yum...or just a lovely pumpkin stew. I know you have pumpkins in Bots because Mama Ramotswe said..!! :)
Geli, whatever are you talking about? :) :) :)
Karen, have you checked it out? the cookbook website? if you like to cook you'll want to make one. The finished product is beautiful.
Tessa, sweet,poetic, colorful words grace your place and now mine.
thank you friends, have a lovely week ahead..
xxx lori
I'm so happy you've been showered with awards and tags. Loved your letter meme. I too adore Sagittarians.
ReplyDeleteSalutes and kudos to you for catching up with all the wonderful things coming your way. Enjoy your sun salute and run down the beach.
Thanks Reya, i see you spotted my joke, sagittariuses,something silly between my husband and myself. Sagittarians are for everyone else!
ReplyDeleteLOL - dankie to you too, Lori! I loved your s's - I'm with you all the way on sleep, serendipity, sun salutations, sea/shore, solitude, safari and sunflowers - oh yeah and Sagitarrius is my rising sign! ;-)
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS !!! on all your awards. i just started following your blog recently and i'm enjoying your posts.
ReplyDeletewhen you get a chance, come visit us over at the fluxlife blog and follow us back. we'd love it, and we'd be honored!
thanks for your blog and your time!
-Steve @ fluxlife
Oh how SWEET! Love your post here.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the awards. Thanks for introducing me to that cookbook site, I am on my way to check it out right now.
HaHaha! Geli, oh then you shall have one!
ReplyDeleteOh Nicky, how could I have left off South Africa! with you sitting right there!
Thanks Steve, I really appreciate your kind words! please let me know how I can follow you, I can't figure it out!
Lori Lynn, wow, I am honored, you being the magical chef that you are! let me know what you think!
thank you lovely people ~
xxx lori
I am a Sagittaria who enjoys sleep, safaris, solitude and her sister. Can I join the family? Are there such things as river mermaids?
ReplyDeleteCongrats on all your well deserved awards.
I'm kinda jealous but, happy for you. Glad I stumbled upon this place, it makes me feel all too inspired!
ReplyDeleteTam, of course,and yes! i love rivers too and water is water, we'll be mermaids together...
ReplyDeletePerplxintexan, welcome! thank you so much for the kind words, I'll be over soon for a visit ok?
xxx lori
Lori ann,
ReplyDeleteThanks for adding me to your regular followers. I follow your adventures with great interest since two thirds of my family still live in Southern California. Keep up the good work, spreading joy and sharing concerns.
You are setting the pace for your generation with continuous learning, returning to college after the children are grown, and reaching out. Great.
Congratulations, much deserved!.
ReplyDeleteFred Smilek is the acting president of the Society to Save Endangered Species. It was founded two years ago by Fred Smilek along with his two best friends Charles and Jonathan.
I found a great deal of helpful information in this post!
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