Borrowing the great idea from
Absolute Vanilla , I thought you might like to come along with me for a walk on this beautiful Novemberly (thanks
Angela!) day...

Here is my street, isn't this a pretty view? If you turn directly around you will be looking at the ocean, well, if we had a 2 story house you could see it, you have to get a little higher. Today is
really windy, it's hard to tell from the photo but I am bringing a beanie. I think we'll walk towards the mountains, let's go!
Right up the street is a miniature horse farm. There are alot of farms in this part of town, in the foothills. There are also several nursery's with green houses here in the valley. The most important, or I ought to say the largest are owned by Dutch families. They grow flowers to ship out across the country. Many have homes here and in Holland. My g~babies are a bit confused by this, they think Holland is down the street from us.
Now we are on a foothill road. This road meanders through Carpinteria and continues on all the way to Santa Barbara, past Summerland and Montecito. It winds it's way past old oaks, meadows, horses, orchards, mansions, small cottages...
and a dried up creek. Sometimes, during the winter, this creek is filled with water and it sweeps up all kinds of random things as it surges toward the ocean, like snakes and turtles, that end up on the beach. One year we scooped up a few turtles and took them to a local animal rescue center. A volunteer there rehabilitates them ~ they get a little massage and a tiny martini before their taken back up into the mountains and deposited right where they started. Kidding about the rehab part, in case you believed me.
Passing by an avocado orchard, we ought to look on the ground for any fallen avocados. I think the rule is anything on the ground is fair game. If you pick any you might get shot or go to jail. I think.
Aren't these beautiful? hanging there all green and ripe (almost) tempting, pick me,pick me. There must be 1 million avocado trees in my town ,with 10 million avocados hanging from them. I see them when I walk or run. But unless friends donate any (and they sometimes do ~bless bless!) I have to buy them in the market at $2.00 apiece!
Ooops! this picture has nothing to do with our walk, its just my delicious grandbabies. Can i tell you a couple cute things about them while we're on our walk? ok, Sadie, on the right, just learned how to text. I know, what? why? I didn't teach her, but anyway, it's a changing world. So, Sunday morning she ran in to me, very excited, "Did you get my text?" I look at her not understanding. My daughter comes in and explains. I go find my phone and here's what I found:
i love you lore . Yes. and then, the boy. Travis. He is so smart, reading everything and only in 2nd grade. He is a very good boy too. Careful and thoughtful. He had an eyelash fall on his cheek the other day. My daughter told him he could make a wish. He got his thoughtful look on and said " I wish for all my library books to always make it back on time" . See what I mean? And yes, my daughter and her ex have a new plan for those books.
Uh oh. Our walk is about to be interrupted. It happens all the time when i get right here, unless I am running in which case I am sweating and redfaced and don't stop. This is another wonderful nursery that I love.
Lets go inside. Just for a minute. This place is called Island View Nursery. Because just like the name says, you can see the Channel Islands in the distance. I forgot to take that photo. Oh well, that just means we'll have to come back!
Wouldn't you love to have this in your backyard? think of all the wildlife you could attract. Fun!
And how about one of these? You could put it right next to your watering hole and have a pretend safari. Drinking sundowners watching humming birds and um, well, raccoons. Or maybe a skunk.

Or, look! you could buy a giraffe. He's cute right?
Or how about a tyrannosaurus Rex? I know 2 people (see above) who would think this would be just great for the garden.
I think this is a giant yucca. I like it alot. I think It's very dignified the way it stands in the middle of this courtyard. Now to the right of this photo is the inside part of the nursery, let's go...
I wish you really were here so you could feel the gentle energy of this place. Its saying
welcome welcome... can you see the lovely Buddha just under the fern?
There you are. Hello Buddha. Namaste. We are happy to be here.
In the greenhouse, fountains gurgling and tinkling in every corner.Plants generously giving off their their chlorophyll and oxygen, the air warm and moist.
Fabulous hand carved doors from Bali. Like Narnia. They seem to beckon, walk through me... come discover whats beyond...
And don't you think one of these ought to come home with you? yes? :)
~to be continued...
xxx lori
What a beautiful neighborhood. And your grandchildren are gorgeous, too.
ReplyDeleteI love avocados. They cost about $4 a piece here in DC ... sigh ... so I don't eat them as much as I would like. To think they grow on trees all around you. Wow.
Beautiful pics, such a nice tour! Thank you.
Wow, another fantastic place to live.
ReplyDeleteAnd beautiful grandchildren.
It's enough to make me want to sell everything up and get on many planes to see these gorgeous places around the world and visit everybody!
What a beautiful neighbourhood, Lori - and yes, it kinda reminds me of home :-) I can see I'm going to have to do this idea again, since everyone else is now giving far better insights than I did with my post!
ReplyDeletePS your grandchildren are totally gorgeous!
Oh Lori, how beautiful, and namaste to you, too! That SKY! and its reflexion ín the pond! The PALM TREES! I would love to have one or two of them in my garden, and of course an avocado tree. That reminds me of an avocado story I once experienced. In a shop. Tell you later. Yes, please let`s go again, and then we`ll all do it as in vanilla`s place and have agreat big party with Margaritas and all the food everyone brings (I have a great chocolate cake recipe). Um, do you think I`m talking too much here? Not half as much as I`d like! Hug your sweeties from Auntie Angela, in Germany which is very near Holland - now that will make them look for Germany down the road!
ReplyDeletereya, its pretty but diverse as well with different levels of income like anywhere, but we all get to live with that ocean and mountains! $4 for avocados! god! would, if I could send you some!!
ReplyDeleteso glad you enjoyed.
fire byrd, I know what you mean, wish that we could all go on more than a virtual visit!
AV, no,no,no,your tour was perfect! I totally enjoyed it,as you see, you were inspiration for mine!
Oh geli, yes,can't you picture it? a wonderful get-together! but for now more nurserys,gardens,beaches to come. Hugs have been delivered,sweetsweet you, and Germany discussed(at length)starting with what the heck is blogging?? from the g~children). Hope husband is better soonsoonsoon!!
thanks everyone for lovely comments,xxx lori
See, your babies will learn about geography and blogworld without effort, just by having you! I sent you a short direct note, but it had difficulties. No, husband not better yet, we are going to doctors, so no time to mail or write. I feel like being on cold turkey!! Haha. Thanks for all your news! Thinking of you!
ReplyDeleteLook's idyllic (especially on a cold November day in the UK!)
ReplyDeleteWell terrific photo's and a great walk through a moment in your life. I enjoyed this post very much and what an amazing place you live in.
ReplyDeleteThanks for leaving such a nice comment on my blog.
Thanks for the walk! I am a compulsive plant buyer. I can't go anywhere near nurseries or garden shops unless I'm feeling flush, or I will come home with things I couldn't afford (like buddha statues - oh that's a beautiful one). When I go walking in my hood, I come home with bits of succulent plants in my pockets which i then stick in the ground, they grow so well!
ReplyDeletewhat a lovely idea and a beautiful fascinating walk! nice to picture where you are... and those g-babies - beautiful truly
Wonderful to meet you :)
ReplyDeleteSigh, what a wonderful walk, the sky and the mountains and the Buddha. Your home reminds me of the western cape.
geli,I got the note, sorry about your husband,maybe by now? and I am thinking of you too(and your recipe!)
ReplyDeletehi dotterel,thanks! I am looking forward to the cold here,foggy mornings on the beach are a nice change after a long hot summer!
thanks MOB! Yes,its a good place to come home to...
I enjoyed your blog very much too!
Tam, i do the same. i found a way around this tho, i walk or run with no money then I fool myself into thinking i cant get anything. Or i have to make the effort to run back for my bag and car! I do wish i was better at growing things though...i try!
thanks Val! my photos pale compared to my husbands but glad you could get the idea...thanks on the gbabies,they are most cute when asleep ;) (haha,kidding,sorta...)
so nice to meet you too! Is that where you are? the western cape? I will go check. Thats weird because I just said that same thing to Absolute Vanilla(shes in Cape Town)how at home I felt there.Well, we are both in a Mediterranean climate so i think it makes sense.
yes, the buddha..sigh...
thanks everyone for such lovely comments, I cant wait to show you the rest...and seeing more of yours.
xxx lori
Thank you for a lovely walk-hope you didnt mind me tagging along, and for introducing your grandchildren-they are beautiful kids. What a lovely place.
ReplyDeleteBut do you really get shot for picking avocadoes?
Welcome Suzysoo! thanks for coming, I'm so glad to have you, its a great walk and the more the merrier! as far as the avo's are concerned, i think what really happens is you get fined. But you know... the rumors...
ReplyDeletewhat a brilliant idea, borrower and borrowee! loved the virtual walk... thanks!
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