is this a passion for you? do you dream of visiting the African continent? one of the questions chuck and i are asked each time we return from safari is 'how do you plan? which company? where to go? (there are over fifty countries in Africa) when is the best time? our experience with one company stands out. so much so that our last two trips to Southern Africa were through them. and as soon as the time is (hopefully) right...

we'll choose again
what i love about most about Africa... (here are a few pics, some are poorly scanned film prints, from a few years ago)...i LOVE the land and the people, the BABIES. i love the big five and the small five and everything in between, and the birds, oh the birds. i love falling asleep to the sound of lion's calling and i love to hear the people singing. i love a g & t or amarula for sundowner's, chuck loves his tusker's (beer). i love the adventure, the endless sky, i love most the feeling of being fully alive, and when i step on the African soil, the feeling of coming home...
this is an advertisement by Rhino Africa in the current issue of Travel Africa magazine. it's brilliant! can you see the small plots of African dirt, suspended with ropes and wooden stakes and hot air balloons? lion (sheepishly peering over the edge, poor thing!) and elephants and giraffes!! all floating above New York City! the caption at the bottom reads: it's easier if you come to Africa...
i wrote about Rhino Africa after our trip to Namibia last year (here), we were so pleased with their outstanding service, truly, so friendly so helpful and a wealth of information, they were. and did i say patient? there are many MANY things to consider when planning a safari, questions and communications between you and your agent. our every need and concern was addressed before, and so important, during our trip too. and now look! if you have a moment (and interest) they have used my words and photos describing our fantastic adventure! eeps!!
thank you Rhino Africa Safaris
so to summarize, how to plan an African Safari:
1. watch the video below to begin dreaming
2. contact Rhino Africa
clicking on the link above will take you there.