Do you know that feeling of eating dessert for breakfast, running and skipping everywhere, following your heart instead of a map?
This is what it's like to spend a day with a grandchild.

On Saturday I got to watch my grandson play football, I only have baseball photos of him, the football photos are still in my film camera, but here is Travis running the bases when he played baseball.
After his game he was invited to a college game in L.A.
My little girl grandchild was sad, she was going
to have to play alone quietly while her mother studied.
This didn't seem like a good idea to me since it was too glorious a day to spend inside being quiet.
Sadie and I went to the Zoo instead!
here, we ran through the grass...
...rode the Zoo train...
...ate a picnic lunch beside two Elephants...
...that were in love...
We looked in the Zoo gift shop...
(and found a special furry ellie to take home)
...and daringly walked where Mom's say "Get down!" and
(Granma's say "How's the view from up there?!" )
we watched penguin's contemplate the water...
...and then we watched them dive in... here Sadie taking her own photo's with my cell phone. She had taken photos all day, zooming in and out, sending pictures to her Mother and confiding in me that she was really a good photographer. I said I have no doubt. :)
Watching the penguins swim gave us an idea, since it was still almost 80 degrees out when the Zoo was closing, we headed home, changed into our bathing suits...
and jumped in our own pool...
When I took Sadie back to her Mum, she hugged me
bye Grammy!
and then whispered in my ear,
You are my best friend.
Can you hear me falling into a million pieces?

thankful and exhausted, yet ever so grateful